I honestly don't think it's worth engaging with Peterson. The signal to noise ratio is the worst.

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It wouldn't be worth engaging him in private over a pint. But given he has such a huge following I think public engagements like this are valuable.

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Maybe. I agree, technically speaking, but I'd rather Richard not be the on to platform him. Save my Damascus steel for when the opponent isn't using Nerf foam. 😉

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Too bad Peterson won't just preface his comments by saying, "On a metaphorical level," or "In the Platonic realm." It would save everyone a lot of time and trouble. But then again, not everyone values clarity and brevity.

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When you don’t want to answer the question, simply change the subject… over and over again. Thank you Richard, for always shining a beacon of light at the truth.

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The Jungian mystic actually believes the impossible narrative.

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Interesting that we should invoke quantum mechanics and all of its phenomena as demonstrated in our fourth dimensional world. This would imply there is a “black box” that has bearing on our reality that we cannot measure or even peer into all of its activities. Potentially therein might lie the answers for all of the things that humans gravitate towards. Never say never!

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Mr. Dawkins, i am a fan of yours from Twitter and Facebook. Where do I watch the video of this debate with Jordan Peterson?

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