In this episode of The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins, Richard engages in a conversation with Chris Williamson on various topics, including his recent comment on being a cultural Christian, evolution and genetic adaptation, and, of course, his latest book release, The Genetic Book of the Dead.
The science of infant attachment with its mountains of research has disproved the headline of your podcast i think, unless i misunderstand your meaning. Comfort is how himsn beings and many mamals learn to manage their emotional systems ready for adult life. I adult life we comfort to regulate ourselves and each other, if we have this capacity developed in us (some call it mentalizing). If we dont mentalize, we have to use other strategies. And these strategies have anti-health or anti-social side effects. So our species has comfort as a central mechanism of social and emotional functioning.
The science of infant attachment with its mountains of research has disproved the headline of your podcast i think, unless i misunderstand your meaning. Comfort is how himsn beings and many mamals learn to manage their emotional systems ready for adult life. I adult life we comfort to regulate ourselves and each other, if we have this capacity developed in us (some call it mentalizing). If we dont mentalize, we have to use other strategies. And these strategies have anti-health or anti-social side effects. So our species has comfort as a central mechanism of social and emotional functioning.